Posts with the tag "Coronavirus"

Answers for employers about COVID-19

Answers for employers about COVID-19

Can you, is one question, should you, is another question. There are workers this country needs right now, who are heroes, and whole sectors of the economy on hold. As an employer you need to think of what the public relations issues there are, and the potential for litigation costs, whether that litigation is frivolous or not.

Coronavirus Legal Advise: get your estate in order - NOW

Coronavirus Legal Advise: get your estate in order - NOW

If you are over 60-you need an estate plan. This virus has the ability to create havoc in individuals over the age of 60- a segment of our population that includes business owners, CEO's and heads of households. The critical question we should all be asking is "what if I get it?". I cannot urge enough to avoid putting this difficult question off.

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4 years ago
1 min to read

Social Media in the Healthcare World

Social Media is invaluable for all businesses but in the health care business it comes with many challenges. The primary reason is that patient confidentiality rules, generally called HIPAA, can prevent or seriously limit a response to a complaint or review. Also, patient solicitation rules prohibit certain types of patient outreach for some providers.

Reimbursement For Coronavirus Paid Leave

Reimbursement For Coronavirus Paid Leave

For the first time in our nation’s history there is a federal general paid leave act. While, the Family Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) provides unpaid leave, it is only with the enactment of The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“Act” or “FFCRA”)), signed March 18, 2020, that there is a requirement if an employee misses work, for certain Coronavirus related issues, he or she will be paid something under certain circumstances. Or at least that applies to some people, the actual percentage of the economy affected by the Act is less than half. The effective dates for the FFCRA are April 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020.

94% of the country is under a “stay inside” order

94% of the country is under a “stay inside” order

If you are over 60-you need an estate plan. This virus has the ability to create havoc in individuals over the age of 60- a segment of our population that includes business owners, CEO's and heads of households. The critical question we should all be asking is "what if I get it?". I cannot urge enough to avoid putting this difficult question off.

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4 years ago
2 min to read
Medical Practice Vulnerabilities during COVID-19: Cybercrime

Medical Practice Vulnerabilities during COVID-19: Cybercrime

In the mist of the COVID-19 pandemic, medical practices are overwhelmed with the number of patients seeking testing and office visits related to COVID-19. Interpol has released a “purple notice” to its 194 member countries warning them of the heightened ransomware threat during the pandemic.

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4 years ago
2 min to read
Medicare Accelerated and Advanced Payment Program offers financial relief

Medicare Accelerated and Advanced Payment Program offers financial relief

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) is working with participating provides and suppliers to ensure they have the funds necessary to continue operating without disruption. During the current public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Medicare Accelerated and Advanced Payment Program (the “Program”) will lend most providers or suppliers as much as 100% of the amount it received during the preceding six (6) month period.